Terms and Conditions
Thank you for choosing Adviser Test Prep! The following conditions and terms apply to this website, every live and online course, all written materials and outlines. When you register, you agree to these terms individually and collectively.
You agree that you are contracting Adviser Test Prep, also called “the Instructor,” for instructional services to help you prepare for the FINRA Securities License Tests.
No financial products are for sale. Your attendance or login at any part of this course or website implies receipt of instructional services rendered in full: no refunds are available.
If your payment is returned by your bank, you agree to pay all fees associated with collection thereof to as applicable. We do not provide payment support to any payment provider. You agree that any and all disputes will be settled by binding arbitration, if necessary.
No Warranty
The course has been carefully prepared using the latest materials and information available and selected by the Instructor. However, because of changes in the exams, the random nature of the test questions given on any exam, the wide variation in student study skills, abilities, and other conditions beyond the control of the Instructor, there are no warranties, guarantees or refunds. Facts, laws, limits and regulations are subject to change at any time and may render substantial parts of this course and outline obsolete. It is your responsibility to check with FINRA or NASAA for applicable updates.
Adviser Test Prep does not endorse or sell any particular written pre-licensing materials.
Other Materials Suggested
The class is only one part of a full preparation regime and is not intended to be complete in and of itself. In addition to this class, reading texts, taking practice exams, utilizing others’ exam simulation courses and extensive review are essential to successful exam preparation.
This website is not affiliated with any Broker-Dealer, agency, insurance company, mutual fund or investment company.
Your private information will not be sold, shared or given to other companies. Your information will be used to communicate with you about securities industry information and future securities licensing prep classes. If your registration is paid by a third party (person, agency or Broker/Dealer), you give us permission to share your information and course progress with the payor and their associated managers.
Adviser Test Prep attempts to provide excellent customer service. However, it is not possible to guarantee any particular level of service. Please give us an opportunity to earn your continued business by contacting us if we can make your experience with us better.
As most technical services are out of our control, we are not able to guarantee availability of any Internet service or Learning Management System or website.
You agree that all websites, courses, video sessions, materials and outlines are the intellectual property of Adviser Test Prep. You agree that license is granted to use the Adviser Test Prep materials for a limited time. You agree not to share, transfer, duplicate or allow others to view the materials without proper registration.
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